The Department of Chemical Technology created in 2015 from the old department of Chemical Technology and Energy Research (CTER); is one of the Technical Departments of the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, approved by the Head of Service of the Federation, in an effort to reposition the Ministry to be able to implement the National Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policy and the newly approved National Science, Technology and Innovation Roadmap (NSTIR) 2017-2030.
To make Nigeria one of the globally recognised giant in Science, Technology & Innovation through Chemical Technology Platform.
To ensure effective contribution of Science technology in Chemical Technology to Nigeria’s Sustainable development.
Under its broad mandate, Chemical Technology Department operates through two Divisions, namely;
- Chemical Technology Research & Development (R&D)
- Materials Technology Research & Development (R&D)
Advancement of sound administration and deployment of Chemical Technology Initiatives to enhance Nigeria’s Sustainable Development, in line with Global Best Practices.
Creating Solutions: for Improved life expectancy, cleaner and healthier environment, job creation, varied value chains, improved IGR and Technological capabilities.
- Initiate, develop and review policies on chemicals and materials technologies.
- Establish and oversee the administration of relevant National Policies and Guidelines in collaboration with relevant stake holders Nationwide.
- Liaise with and partner with MDAs, Federal Tertiary Health & Educational Institutions, NUC, other Regulatory Bodies, Science and Clinical Laboratories, States and Local Government on, appropriate deployment and domestication of chemical and material technologies
- Initiate and catalyze the chemical and other critical industrial sectors into highly innovative and technically impactful components of the Nigerian industrial space.
- Establish a coherent strategy amongst players of the Chemical industry value chain.
- Develop and implement a national strategy for building capacity on chemicals production, storage, supply and standardization, amongst others.
- Collaborate with public and private tertiary education and research institutes on the development, training and utilization of indigenous chemical and process technologies.
- Partner and collaborate with appropriate MDAs and international bodies on sound chemical handling and safety management.
- Promote, facilitate, execute, coordinate, monitor and evaluate activities, projects and programmes for the reduction of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP) in Nigeria.
- Liaise and partner with national, regional and international Groups/Bodies on capacity building in chemical and materials technologies.
- Coordinate the Chemical Technology Sector and its MDA’s on Chemical Management Initiatives.
- Partner with the petrochemical sector on the utilization and domestication of petrochemical processes in Nigeria.
- Promote, facilitate, execute, coordinate, monitor and evaluate national research and development activities in public and private tertiary education and research institutes in chemical and materials technologies.
- Initiate, develop and review of R&D policies and guidelines on leather technologies within the country, liaise and partner with States, Local Governments, MDAs and other relevant Stakeholders on the development of the Leather Sector of the economy.
- Collaborate with the Private Sector on the domestication of indigenous technologies on the Agro and Allied sectors of the economy.
- Collaborate with D-8 Secretariat and International Conventions on the implementation of Decisions on Industrial chemicals, leather and allied technologies, solid minerals processing technologies and emerging technological activities in Nigeria.
- Initiate, develop and review R&D Policies and guidelines on the nation’s solid minerals and mining sectors, in collaboration and partnership with relevant stakeholders and institutions.
- Initiate, develop and review policies that will facilitate comprehensive National Policy documents on Nanotechnology, emerging technologies including materials technology in the nation’s industrial sector.
- Initiate, develop and promote the development of clean technologies in the textile, tannery, petrochemical industries and use of mercury free devices to reduce mercury emissions amongst others.
- Initiate, develop and review policies for the establishment of National Chemical Bank, National Toxicology Centre and Conduct Chemical Risk Assessment Projects in Nigeria.
- Partner and collaborate with the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), National Authority on Chemical and Biological Weapons Convention (NACBWC), ROTTERDAM, STOCKHOLM, BASSEL, MINAMATA, BAMACCO Conventions amongst others; as Stakeholder for sustainable national security and in line with the mandates of the SDGs.
- Contribute in Research and Development (R&D) support for the Building and Construction Industries; Agro and Allied sector of the nation; and supervision of quick turn-key projects utilizing global best practices in the sphere of chemical technology applications.
- Any other initiatives and directives, the Honourable Minister will appropriate to the department for industrialization and national sustainability.
a. Development of a National Policy on Nano-Technology for Federal Executive Council (FEC) Approval
b. Development of a draft National Policy on Chemical Technology that has been validated by the Stakeholders in Kano and Akwa-Ibom states respectively. The Draft policy is in the process for onward submission to Federal Executive Council for approval.
c. The Department had organized series of meetings with the Federal Ministry of Education and other relevant MDAs, on the need to include chemical safety and security awareness/courses in the nation’s education system., also visited Selected Schools in the North Central as a Pilot Project towards the Development and Inclusion of Chemical Safety and Security in the National Education System.
d. Effectively, The Ministry held a Scientific and Technological fora on the abuse and mishandling of CBRNE Materials to create awareness on the hazardous effects of CBRNE materials to the citizenry and the environment as a whole in South-West Geo-political zone.
e. Consultative Fora for Industrialization of dye and dye products sector in Nigeria, Ibadan, Oyo state was organised after visiting the dye practitioners in the state. This is to enable the Federal Government through the Department to develop a National dye and dye products Policy in which the implementation will catalyze the dye sector into highly innovative and technically impactful components of the Nigerian industrial space.