The Procurement Department is responsible for the procurement planning and implementation of all projects and programmes of the Ministry. The Department has Fifteen (15) staff and is headed by a Director. The Department has two divisions:

  1. Capital Procurement; and
  2. Recurrent Procurement.


Procurement Department has the responsibility for;

  1. Procurement Planning and Implementation in the ministry;
  2. It serves as the secretariat to the ministerial Tenders Board. It processes all Procurement matters;
  3. Ensuring that all procurement in the Ministry are carried out in accordance with the Public Procurement Act, 2007; and
  4. Liaising with stock verifiers and user departments / units to ensure that goods, works and services delivered are in conformity with specifications and contract terms.


The department carries out the following activities;

  1. Preparation and forwarding to BPP yearly Procurement Records and Procurement Plans;
  2. Establishing of Procurement Planning Committee for every financial year;
  3. Attending to petitions on Procurement processes and procedures;
  4. Correspondence with BPP for Certificates of NO Objection and other Procurement Issues;
  5. Secretariat to Ministerial Tenders Board;
  6. Secretariat to Procurement Planning Committee Meeting; and
  7. Attending to Procurement matters.

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