The Reform Coordination Department serves as focal points for driving all Reform and Innovative changes in the Ministry.


  • Innovations and Improvement efforts within the Ministry in line with the overall frame work set by OHCSF. (This is done atleast every quarter)
  • Manage and drive SERVICOM aims and initiatives within the Ministry and its Agencies.(Quarterly)
  • To work with the Leadership of the Ministry to identify process, systems and Service gap ( Daily) 
  • Troubleshoot services failures and develop proposals to address them and also Research and identify good practices that can be adopted/adapted to improve service delivery in the Ministry. (Daily)
  • Develop and launch initiatives to drive and mainstream a continuous service improvement and innovative culture within the Ministry.( Daily)
  • Develop and deploy Innovative tools and practices to institute sustainable improvements in the Ministry. (Daily)
  • Assist the Leadership of the Ministry to articulate and coordinate their change agenda in line with service policies and standards. (Daily)

The mandate of the Department includes:

  1. To drive all change, reform, innovations and improvement efforts within the Ministry.
  2. To manage and drive Servicom aims and initiatives within the Ministry.
  3. To develop and launch initiative to drive and mainstream a continuous service improvement culture within the Ministry.
  4. To work with the leadership of the Ministry to identify processes, systems and service gaps.
  5. To develop intervention to eliminate such gaps.

Basically the Department function is to drive all Change, Reform, Innovations and to carry out general improvement efforts by ensuring that the Ministry is SERVICOM compliance with regard to Federal Government directive with circular reference S.G.F. 19/S.48/C.2/298 dated 27th June 2005 on establishment of functional service delivery units both in the Ministry and the Agencies.

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